Do any of you guys know anything about what price the old WWF figures go for by any chance?
We are having a clear-out of my Son's old toys as he no longer plays with them.
We put his figures on Ebay and they seem to have gathered a lot of interest (particulary the Ultimate Warrior figure). Tried to google what it goes for but can't find a definitive answer as it's out the packet. One guy in particular absolutely insisting we wrap it in lots of bubble wrap when sending as it's rare.
Just don't want to be duped. It's the figure on the right (obviously).
There’s other Ultimate Warrior one’s on EBay for about £20 mate so around that I reckon is a good return.
that Ultimate Warrior one will be something of a rarity, wearing the cloak & all.
RogerTheAlien wrote:
There’s other Ultimate Warrior one’s on EBay for about £20 mate so around that I reckon is a good return.
Sold for a tenner Rodge.
Cheers for info though bud.