Hard to make out, granted but. Meh. I don't want millions of badass Sith Lords. I want a cowboy movie in space. They just don't get it. Ironically the bairns cartoon Star Wars Rebels has got the tone and concept of the originals spot-on.
It's a fake. Here is the real one.
Never saw your comment above, sorry!
Last edited by lifesanocean (28/11/2014 3:27 pm)
I'm loving it. Big Star Wars Geek. They used Return of the Jedi deleted scenes and footage from the force unleashed games for the 1st trailer, sneaky barstewards!
And Star Wars Rebels is excellent as well!
Loved a bit of Star Wars when I was young but the last 3 were utter shite.
The 3rd one had its moments but having to wait for 3 films of unbelievably bland and badly acted cgi filler to get to the bit we all wanted to see (Anakin turning to the dark side, his set-to with Obi Wan and Yoda vs the Emperor) was too much of a stretch. These new films are going to have to be really good to erase the memories of those clunkers.
Last edited by lifesanocean (28/11/2014 10:49 pm)
Have to keep in mind Episodes 1-3 were not made for adults, they were child friendly. The people who saw the original trilogy would have been in their 20's and 30's at the time and to make a Star Wars movie for to suit them would be alienting the younger audience.
I think the latest triliogy was not bad, it had it moments and it had flaws but the younger kids love it. Its introduced them to the Star Wars galaxy and this time it seems the new movie is growing with the audience.
Ultimately, and the same as the latest Indiana Jones movie, it just didnt feel the same and it just reminded us of our real age and that we are all grown up now and no longer the kids that we once were.
But sometimes something captures the imagination, be it the sound of an X wing or seeing the millenium falcon in flight again and we could all go back to feeling like we did when we were a kid, in a galaxy far far away...