"Jettisoned, unfairly he claims, by United, worse was to follow at York City, where an attempt to repair his reputation in the English lower leagues went spectacularly wrong. York are now two divisions below where they were when McNamara arrived, although the Scot has since moved upstairs, amid some disquiet among supporters."
"Jettisoned, unfairly he claims, by United" Aye OK Jackie!
What a muppet Sackie is and was. If only we had appointed someone better than this we might not be where we are today. Mind you probably would be due to other obvious factors.
Interesting how he is getting quit a bit of column space again in the SMSSM of late isn't it?
It's almost like there are a few positions needing filled within the National team.
Tek wrote:
Interesting how he is getting quit a bit of column space again in the SMSSM of late isn't it?
It's almost like there are a few positions needing filled within the National team.
Probably hoping/planning for a gig with Malky McKay or some other Celtic minded fucker.
Other headlines say he feels for Regan too.