Always thought he was a bell end and haven't changed my opinion. Shouting for the lad shall to have 'the book thrown at him after what was a blatant dive. As much as I back his Idea, he has not been calling for it for any Celtic players this season. Off the top of my head - Craig Gordon x 2 assaults and 1 (?) Handling outside the box and there's been a good few of their players who look like they've been shot after being touched.
Compliance officer is a joke too - only gets involved when the press rile him up.
The rules need to be enforced all the time or not at all.
Aye, the headline in one of the tabloid is Smith stating "CHEATS WILL NEVER WIN".
Wasn't he at the Hun when they were cheating the taxman?
Rules are a shambles and enforced shambolically by a shambles of a compliance officer. Apart from that they're fine.