I have to go to hospital next Tuesday for a CT scan. I don't want to go....... The last time I had one of those, about 8 years ago, it showed cancer in the bladder. I think this time I'd really prefer not to know the result!
Leedsy2 wrote:
I have to go to hospital next Tuesday for a CT scan. I don't want to go....... The last time I had one of those, about 8 years ago, it showed cancer in the bladder. I think this time I'd really prefer not to know the result!
Sorry to hear about your last CT scan, I really hope next Tuesday goes well for you Leedsy, I honestly do mate.
Wishing you all the best!
All the best Leedsy hopefully you get the green light!!
Cheers, lads. Appreciated.....
Good Luck Leedsy. I wish you all the best mate.
Good luck Leedsy.
I hope everything turns out better than you fear mate.
Football and even Dundee Utd has very little meaning when it comes to our well being and good health.
All the best Leeds.
Echoing what the others are saying here, take care, and in your case we should maybe say 'best of British'!
Although you may prefer, at this point, not to know the outcome, it's really the only way to find out if a course of action is required. Whatever happens, I hope it goes smoothly.
good luck mate. I totally understand how you feel about finding out results.
I had a wee scare early last year Leedsy, albeit a minute one in comparison. Arabest m8.
Arabest lad.
Agreed, hope things go ok for you Leedsy.
Thanks a lot, lads. I survived the cancer last time but the doc is worried that it may have returned. If so, then I'll just have to start fighting again! Either that, or because of my other ailments (ischemic heart disease, diabetes, diverticulosis of the bowel) they might just decide to shoot me......
Last edited by Leedsy2 (30/11/2016 3:37 pm)
How did it go Leedsy?
Well i hope.
Tek wrote:
How did it go Leedsy?
Well i hope.
No results yet, but I am optimistic, feel well in myself. Thanks for asking.....
Glad to hear it mate.