HeggyHandshake wrote:
SGMilne wrote:
The discussion then goes to this...
You would think this points to the club running out of money and going into administration.
But then why would Ray McKinnon take the post? Without being privvy to any discussions, my reading of the situation was that he took his time to sign on because he wasn't happy about the conditions he may have been asked to work under re: finance. What changed?
He said he would give Ray a bigger budget.... Without having any way to give him the money.
Well let's hope Derby win the playoffs and Andy Robertson gets sold for £100m
Foo Kin Twat wrote:
Was he not meeting those in our support last night, who are pretty much entrenched in their positions that they will settle for nothing other than Thompson Out? And when asked the question, "But Who In?" then clam up? As I have said all along, whilst they appear to have some case(s) for Thompson to answer to us as a support, they are going about it and have gone about it in completely the wrong way. If you are going to hold a statesmanlike position in a representative organisation, you need to act in such a manner worthy of the role and in accordance with the constitution of the body you represent. And you need to be prepared to give a little as well as take a little.
Since Jim Spence has taken on the role there has been more info coming out of Tannadice than at any time in the last 18 months. Whilst that may be a coincidence, look at the joy on the faces of the supporters at the rearranged kit launch that almost never was. For sure we all need some more answers from the Chairman, but is it also fair for our new Manager to be starting work with all of this bollocks going on? I mean are people gonna be ruining pre season training too?
A big round table and open minded diplomacy is what is needed to afford us the best opportunity of getting ourselves out of this mess at the first time of asking. There are I am sure, plenty United fans like me that are affiliated to NEITHER of ArabTrust or the Fed? Perhaps someone in either or both can advise me, have you as an Individual Member of both/either been canvassed as to what your thoughts are on all things Dundee United and how things should go forward from here? If not, why not?
What's happened (us being shit and getting relegated) has happened. Our beautiful wife (Dundee United FC) that we love ALL love so much and let's face it we all punch above our weight in having a relationship with, has effectively cheated on us and we are feeling badly let down. Our options are patch things up with her for now and HOPEFULLY we will be able to trade her in for a better model in time; or ditch her in spite and take a chance we will find someone else we can trust on a par with her?
I know what road I'd rather go down....................
I agree. Until a credible alternative presents itself (and I believe there should be a change in ownership) there's little to be gained from fan/club relations becoming even poorer. The club itself can help by not making an absolute f!$k up of every single thing it's involved in though.....
Sieb22 wrote:
HeggyHandshake wrote:
Trap6 was at his first meeting of this sort last night, he is in the same position as a lot of people on here who don't want to believe the shit we are in.
He now knows the truth.
A lot of people on here!? I would argue the fact that you would find it hard to find one poster who won't admit the fact that the club is a mess, or in deep shit. Does it upset you that some of us on here are not more vocal and voracious about it like you are, is that why you think some are pro ST or just hiding our heads in the sand?
Do you not think it's just different ways for different people to deal with things, different strokes and all that. I'm not pro anything, I don't know the trust or the fed or even ST from Adam so I can only comment on what I see as an "outsider" or whatever you want to label me (probably a wanker or a fud maybe) so I am not as privy to as much of the info coming out from Tannadice that is true or false.
I suggest you look through some recent posts on here.
I wouldn't label you, I don't even know you.
SGMilne wrote:
Silver wrote:
For me, it's not a case of not wanting to believe anything.I know we're a fkn disaster of a club at the minute. I want to know what the realistic alternatives are.
No one is coming up with any solutions.The solution is to find someone else to invest in or take over the club.
Who's going to do it at this stage? It'll be when the club - as HH has said in the past - hits rock bottom.
We're not there yet sadly.
There is people there, NONE will give ST big money. This is a day before Admin job at best IMO.
SGMilne wrote:
Silver wrote:
For me, it's not a case of not wanting to believe anything.I know we're a fkn disaster of a club at the minute. I want to know what the realistic alternatives are.
No one is coming up with any solutions.The solution is to find someone else to invest in or take over the club.
Who's going to do it at this stage? It'll be when the club - as HH has said in the past - hits rock bottom.
We're not there yet sadly.
OK, you're hinting at Administration, I get that, and if that has to happen to enable the club to bring in new blood and new investment then so be it. What I'm not getting is. . . .
What has Ray McKinnon been told?
Why has Spence all of a sudden turned on ST? Effectively his boss.
Why is it getting reported today that Laura Conway is now on the verge of quitting?
What the fk is going on?
Its absolutely brilliant the amount of fans who refuse to believe any bad news about Thompson or the dire state we are in......
Also giving the boys protesting abuse, the same people who said WAIT until the season is over before protesting.
Well done to the protesters from me
PatReilly wrote:
Apologies then to those who made the banners, as it appears from the information imparted by the people who attended the Fed meeting that Jim Spence was given a supportive welcome, and is possibly of a similar opinion to many who want the board to depart.
I've been paying subs to the Fed for a number of years: how do I access the minutes or details of meetings such as those last night?
PS, I'm not on Facebook, Twitter or suchlike, but there is a PM facility here.
Are you not on the mailing list? Pm me your email address if not.
Arab_plumber wrote:
Its absolutely brilliant the amount of fans who refuse to believe any bad news about Thompson or the dire state we are in......
Also giving the boys protesting abuse, the same people who said WAIT until the season is over before protesting.
Well done to the protesters from me
The Thompson out banner is making a wee trip to Killie tomorrow...
I'm all for getting Thompson out, even if it's just for being in charge while we got relegated never mind the financial state of the club.
However, I don't think the "protestors" (for want of a better name) are doing a very good job of enlisting support from the individual DUFC fan.
Some may have disagreed with them at the time but United For Change were very vocal and high profile (before social media) and had a plan. I feel we have reached the stage where we need this sort of movement again.
So far, I am not seeing any evidence of a coherent movement against ST.
Goodie Conway 2 wrote:
I'm all for getting Thompson out, even if it's just for being in charge while we got relegated never mind the financial state of the club.
However, I don't think the "protestors" (for want of a better name) are doing a very good job of enlisting support from the individual DUFC fan.
Some may have disagreed with them at the time but United For Change were very vocal and high profile (before social media) and had a plan. I feel we have reached the stage where we need this sort of movement again.
So far, I am not seeing any evidence of a coherent movement against ST.
Is anyone looking to enlist protesters?? You do what you want don't expect anyone to tell you what to do. Anyone protesting, in my mind is doing so because they want Thompson out and for the Club to move on.
Do you not think there should be a single body representing everyone who wants ST out?
Back on the topic of Spence.
He hasn't actually quit.
He's just alluding to it (very publicly) on Twitter.
You have to ask yourself why.
Tek wrote:
Back on the topic of Spence.
He hasn't actually quit.
He's just alluding to it (very publicly) on Twitter.
You have to ask yourself why.
I'm thinking the same thing, whatever anyone thinks of Spence he's not a complete idiot. Some saying he's bottled it from being conflicting with various fans, I'm not buying that tbh, we're talking about a boy who was threatened with all sorts by rangers supporters. Why he seems to be going very public with this quiting stuff is very confusing personally. Suggests to me there is something more to it than meets the eye.
Last edited by Morphman (13/5/2016 5:12 pm)
His appointment was not greeted with a wave of enthusiasm - maybe he needs to know he has some support before getting into it.
What was he expecting? To be carried shoulder high through the streets?
I was pleased he got appointed. I thought it was a good move.
I'll hold back on the enthusiasm until I've seen evidence of him making a positive difference.
Ha - don't ask me - I'm not spence....
But if he doesn't have people on his side, he could do a lot of damage to his personal reputation in a small city.
You know what, I just want to go back to supporting the team - I'm fed up with the circus surrounding it.
Jim 'look at me' Spence. Either do the job or don't, it doesn't really matter there's far more important things at the club than a PR consultant or whatever it is he's meant to be.
Sorry mate, didn't mean that to come across as having a go at you.
He alluded to it last night. A lack of enthusiasm.
The club has given us more than a few kicks in the balls in the last 18 months.
I hope Spencey forgives us for not showing enough enthusiasm because he's been appointed as a consultant.
Spence saying he's told ST that he has to go and ST accepts this but it'll take time
Apparently more in his column in the paper version of the Courier today.
Anyone got a copy as they don't appear to sell them here in Sorrento
HeggyHandshake wrote:
Jim Spence said he was leaving because the Club was completely fuked and didn't want his rep ruined, fair enough. He also said Laura Conway would follow him out the door. Spence said we didn't back him, to a man everyone said they would back him all the way.
We had our own meeting afterwards and a couple of the older lads said he is going to resign and blame it on us.
Trap6 was at his first meeting of this sort last night, he is in the same position as a lot of people on here who don't want to believe the shit we are in.
He now knows the truth.
Spence' reputation since the BBC dropped him has been as a tweeter about soup and '80s pop music. As far as I can see he's been determined to say nothing about anything. Then he started getting the odd BBC gig again. Mebbes he's determined to get back on that particular horse. Nae shame there. BUT, I felt he was at his best standing up for the teams in Dundee. Everybody knew which he supported but he said was a brilliant foil for the west coast bias.
SO, if the guy who got loads of respect for his honest appraisal of what should happen to another club is being seen as shifty in the eyes of those who supported him. Mebbes best we just guide him gently back to the DCs and the soup tweets.
Bearing in mind the chairman's gonna be the chairman fir a while yet should he no be building the bridges himself? Spencey was, at the time, a good thought. But I reckon he's shown how fragile the links built by a third party can be.
Just read his Courier column.
Looks like he reads TT after all.
Hi Jim.
I like Jim Spence and I liked his column yesterday as well.
This is only based purely on my own dealings with man (which isn't much to be honest), and listening to him on the radio for years.
Tek wrote:
Just read his Courier column.
Looks like he reads TT after all.
Hi Jim.
You could be right TEK there are very similar comments inn the only way forward thread