Fuck me, did I just read that.
Tens of thousands of people in Scotland using food banks and they want the govt to pay millions for facial recognition software to root out a few folk singing dodgy song and flinging smoke bombs.
If they want to stop sectarian singing and I mean really want to stop it, then as soon as it starts ref should stop the game take the teams off until it stops and points awarded to the other team if it happens twice in 1 game. Meanwhile the police, who clubs pay thousands to have at games, should do the job they're paid for and lift the guilty, it wouldn't take long to stop it.
As for smoke bombs, regardless of my personal thoughts on them, if they want them stopped, the police should just arrest the folk throwing them, I've seen it happen when they know who's done it and they do nothing about it.
Facial recognition technology, next it'll be retina scanners to get in instead of season tickets.
Why is racism, sexism etc illegal but discrimination against football supporters openly encouraged not only by authorities but also the football authorities.
Is this a joke?
I think that bodies governing Scottish football genuinely do take the piss, they can't for one minute be serious?
This is a wind up, somebody probably said this in the meeting as a light hearted ice breaker, a few people giggled and Doncaster wrote it down so he could remember the joke, he was then asked by the media to comment on the meeting and the only note that he took was that joke from Stewarty Milne aboot facial recognition.
I'm positive that's what's happened.
Of all the things that need fixing in our game....
No I think they're serious.
The people who run our game, most of whom run our clubs remember are so far detached from reality it's mental. Doncaster and Regan rightly get loads of stick, but the clubs are even more responsible than them IMO.
They all think they're doing great jobs and when fans criticise it's just because we don't have s clue. Then they come up with yet another bonkers scheme to make it even harder for supporters to enjoy their day out , which in turn lowers crowds again. But that's all our fault.
They're just exactly like politicians.
My take on the 'face recognition software' request for millions of pounds from the government is that the SPFL (the clubs, as TheShed says) know full well that they won't get that cash, but can claim they've tried to sort out the perceived problem by passing the buck back to politicians.
And as TheShed states, they haven't a clue as to how they should run their businesses. League reconstruction will be forgotten about, because it looks as though, in the near future, Scottish football's default position of two club dominance will arrive again to 'save' the game.