With all the referendum scare stories etc etc. What is folks feeling on boycotting of goods or services?
I'm not too sure about some, but have been thoroughly p1ssed off with the utter shyte coming out everyday telling us this or that.
So what papers, news oulets and media are being avoided? Have to admit not using BBC these days in any format. And don't buy papers generally, but may buy the odd Sunday Hearld.
Mr Tunnock and Ms Baxter can take a jump! lol.
Seeing the main supermarkets in a different light, or maybe knew all along.
Aldi and Lidl all the way now.
I'm boycotting the boom town rats.
The BBC is the big one. Their coverage, like many oulets, is selective and the referendum coverage has highlighted how inconsistent/bias etc it is - the very things they pride themselves in NOT being.
Already spoke with the Missus about closing down her RBS account.
Normally do our weekly shop online with ASDA,but will now spread it between Tesco online and a wee jaunt to Aldi/Lidl for odds'n'ends.
Anyone who wished to influence the vote for their own selfish reasons can GTF.
That's not how businesses should conduct themselves IMO.
Shopped in Aldi for the last 3-4 years apart from odd bits in least £25 a week cheaper which is nearly £1500 a year
after this last week i certainly winna be shopping in asda or tesco again regardless of price
Did Tesco come out and say their prices would go up tae ?
I do most my shopping in the local Kebab shop and the Chinese and they tell me they're no bothered what way the vote goes as long as they get paid in some sort of currency whether it's £terling, €uro or ¥en
Tesco Bank workers in Edinburgh got letters on Monday telling them they will be relocating to England in the event of a YES vote.
I thought Tesco came out and said it won't affect their pricing. John Lewis/Waitrose and Asda came out against for sure. Not sure about Sainsbury's or Morrisons.
Tesco bank are they backed by RBS is it? Got to love these letters employees get, do feel sorry for them being put in that position. Basically telling them we will have to move in the event of a Yes vote, but not admitting that the whole operation doesn't need to move. Many won't see or understand the ins and outs.
I'm sure Tesco did say their prices would be unaffected Hamilton Arab.
Hamiltonarab wrote:
I thought Tesco came out and said it won't affect their pricing. John Lewis/Waitrose and Asda came out against for sure. Not sure about Sainsbury's or Morrisons.
Tesco bank are they backed by RBS is it? Got to love these letters employees get, do feel sorry for them being put in that position. Basically telling them we will have to move in the event of a Yes vote, but not admitting that the whole operation doesn't need to move. Many won't see or understand the ins and outs.
Just as well we live in a democracy that does not survive on fear and intimidation...
Yep. Your baked beans will cost an extra 1p if you vote YES. So think about that before you vote!
I know somebody who works for Thomas Cook the travel agent. They issued staff with letters, instructing them to vote No.
As far as the BBC are concerned, and their TV licence, they can birl on it. Direct Debit dually cancelled this morning.
Last edited by Billy_Hainey (19/9/2014 1:17 pm)
For those who think it should be done a Facebook page has been created called "Boycott The Companies That Scared Scotland". It lists pretty much all those who interferred in our affairs as they got in bed with the NO camp and their scare tactics.
Spread the word and make them pay!
I am all for the boycott and making these companies pay financially.
My only concern would be what if it effects local jobs ?It would be the wee guy stacking shelfs at his local ASDA who needs his job the most who would be laid aff,NOT the fatcat bosses who are the real enemy.
I will be boycotting these companies but i am a bit conflicted in doing so as i hope i'm not complicit in making anyone lose their job.
I know where you are coming from, but most of these companies trade globally making multi-millions. I think this just sends a message. Instead we should try to buy from local business anyway as it has a much greater effect on the local economy. Also, if it really did come to some companies cutting jobs then by effect the trade they are loosing must have went somewhere else which may in turn require to hire staff. Swings and roundabouts.
End of the day these companies stuck their noses in and made a noise on the back of money they have earned from us. I suppose it is just and fair that we the customers now make our choice felt. Some of these companies really should have thought about it before wading in.
Michelle Mone can f*ck right off anyway. Think most of her gear is made in Poland.
While I agree helping out your local shops, in this current climate you need to shop for value IMHO. Eg:
At my local shop a 2ltr jug of milk Is £1.79. Three 3 litre jugs of milk at farmfoods Is £5.
My local shop £1.69 for a bottle of Pepsi max. £1 at farmfoods.
My local shop 80p for a mars bar. 3 for £1.
My local shop 1 pack of 6 bacon £2.29. Three 18 packs of bacon for £6 at farmfoods.
You get the jist. While I like my shopkeeper, I only buy papers In there (excluding the evening Tele).
Last edited by RogerTheAlien (23/9/2014 12:32 pm)
3 mars bars for £1 at farmfoods*.
Farmfoods aren't on the list Rodge.
Good points all around, the BBC is what really boils my blood. The amount of pensioners that would have listened to every word they said and believed it. The had a trusted position in society and prayed on the vulnerable.
Irvine Welsh put something on twitter along these lines:
'"As long as there's a penny to be stolen in Scotland those assholes won't move."'
BBC are top of my hitlist too.
The Scottish Press including papers like the Daily Record are also an utter disgrace,however,as they are owned by the English based 'Labour supporting' Mirror group,perhaps we shouldn't be surprised at all at their total bias.
ASDA throwing their tuppence worth in was to me quite unforgiveable too.They know that it's the poorest in Scottish society who shop with them and they supposedly pride themselves on being the cheapest with their slogan 'every little helps'.To prey on people's financial insecurities like that was fucking apalling.
Had a look at the Facebook page, whilst there's a few it wil be easy to boycott, there's a few where it simply isn't possible.
Sure i'll try and pay off my Lloyds Credit card asap, but I simply won't change from the Clydesdale Bank and i'll be fucked if I turning down a Tunnock's teacake or Caramel Wafer if offered.
I wouldnae turn doon a teacake or wafer if offered either.
Fucked if i'm ever buying yin again though.
Unionist cunts.