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27/8/2014 3:10 pm  #1

Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

What a massive own goal that's turned oot 


27/8/2014 5:11 pm  #2

Re: Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

Again, I'm hardly unbiased but was has the reaction to that been?

I watched it open mouthed, couldn't believe it, the general message of the No campaign advert as I see it was:

You're busy, we don't want to bother you, your kids are on Facebook, your husband says vote Yes but what if hes wrong, there will be change if you vote yes, just vote no, or don't bother voting, there there pet, sorted, you finish your tea love you've a pile of washing to get through and there's a bad man on the telly later.


27/8/2014 6:51 pm  #3

Re: Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

Your take on it has been everybody else's take on it on Twitter mate.Very patronising and belitilling regards women's take on this Referendum.

#PatronisingBTLady was trending across the UK last night and some of the mock-up's people done were very amusing.

A massive own goal fae Better Together.


     Thread Starter

27/8/2014 7:29 pm  #4

Re: Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

At the risk of sounding like a patronising man, WYOWYN?????

Too much commotion

27/8/2014 7:56 pm  #5

Re: Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

lifesanocean wrote:

At the risk of sounding like a patronising man, WYOWYN?????

Haha i like the cut of your jib ma man.

After 8 pints,aye mibbee.

     Thread Starter

27/8/2014 8:11 pm  #6

Re: Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

I would. 

Wouldn't take 8 pints either. I'm nae use after anymore than 4 now in anycase

Yeah yeah Industrial Estate

27/8/2014 8:20 pm  #7

Re: Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

I can dae the 8 pints awright,it's the next day am a write aff these days.

     Thread Starter

27/8/2014 10:08 pm  #8

Re: Better Together's 'Patronising Lady' Advert

TEK wrote:

Your take on it has been everybody else's take on it on Twitter mate.Very patronising and belitilling regards women's take on this Referendum.

#PatronisingBTLady was trending across the UK last night and some of the mock-up's people done were very amusing.

A massive own goal fae Better Together.


Thought that mate, well hoped I guess. I seen this headline on an Italian news website,  L'epic fail dello spot sessita control l'indipendenza scozzese. Above a picture of the women, doesn't take much to work out what they thought.

Who incidentally I would.


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