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27/12/2019 12:02 am  #1

Gavin & Stacy - Xmas Special

Social media seems split right down the middle about the Christmas episode.

Personally I thought it was 'alright'.

Not shite, not 'laugh out loud' funny, but entirely watchable.

The ending must have paved the way for a new series surely?


27/12/2019 10:18 am  #2

Re: Gavin & Stacy - Xmas Special

I'd agree with that summary. I like the series even though its fashionable not to (given that Corden is a cock). The Pogues bit was an excuse for Hollywood Corden to get really self-indulgent as was, dare I say, the idea that Smithy had pulled a looker, regardless of whether or not she was horrible (or, just a normal person seeing their very strange world and naturally freking out). At least Corden acknowledged that he was about 25 years older than everyone else in the Vodka bar.

Last edited by lifesanocean (27/12/2019 3:31 pm)

Too much commotion

28/12/2019 3:38 am  #3

Re: Gavin & Stacy - Xmas Special

Corden is a horrible bastard. I'll never forget his interview about being in a pub and punters singing Smithy or whatever and buying him pints and he was lapping up the fame only to then come out with some shite about how much he hated those types of people and he'd rather stay home with a glass of wine. Fair enough, me too at my age now but why act out the stereotype in the first place?

It's not where you're from it's where you're at.

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