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19/9/2019 9:51 am  #1

Rugby World Cup 2019

Rugby World Cup starts tomorrow in Japan.

Unfortunately this means the games will all be on here during the morning. Meaning it will be hard for most to watch live unless it's the weekend.

Scotland's first game is on Sunday morning at 8.45am (UK time).

A very tricky opener against Ireland.

Next 2 group games thereafter are against Samoa and Russia.


19/9/2019 2:17 pm  #2

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Welcome to my world!!! Years of staying up to daft o'clock.  Just a pity none of the games are near me. We do have the Tonga team camped at our place though. Heroic welcome for them if they pump England.

It's not where you're from it's where you're at.

20/9/2019 6:21 am  #3

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

japanarab wrote:

Welcome to my world!!! Years of staying up to daft o'clock.  Just a pity none of the games are near me. We do have the Tonga team camped at our place though. Heroic welcome for them if they pump England.

Nay chance.

Enjoy the tournament though.


22/9/2019 1:06 pm  #4

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Think it's fair to say Scotland won't be winning the tournament.

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24/9/2019 5:53 am  #5

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Tek wrote:

Think it's fair to say Scotland won't be winning the tournament.

 True. A reporter from the Sun was asked his opinion on the home nations opening performances and said that was Scotland’s tournament over!! Hardly. I reckon they’ll still squeeze out of the group.

It's not where you're from it's where you're at.

28/9/2019 10:15 am  #6

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Well fluck a duck. Japan beat Ireland. That might be us done and dusted now. Bloody hell. 

It's not where you're from it's where you're at.

28/9/2019 10:30 am  #7

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Looks like Scotland will be fucked now.

Well done to Japan though. 

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09/10/2019 11:00 am  #8

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Scotland 61 Russia 0

I'd take that tomorrow night.😆

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09/10/2019 12:33 pm  #9

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Gonna be an interesting Sunday night for me now. Monday is a national holiday too. Hope the ref keeps his nerve. Joke of a try for Japan in their last game.

It's not where you're from it's where you're at.

10/10/2019 2:27 am  #10

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Looking this game could be cancelled and a draw awarded. That would be a f*#@ing joke. The typhoon will be nowhere near the stadium by the time the game is due to be played. They’re saying the Ireland game (which is nowhere near the typhoon) could be cancelled too to keep integrity! Meaning Japan would top the group and avoid the All Blacks. They’ve already cancelled the England game. Numpties. The typhoon was due over my town yesterday then 12 hours later we’re looking at a sunny day. It changes by the hour. 

It's not where you're from it's where you're at.

11/10/2019 9:53 am  #11

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Read this article. Your blood will be boiling, as was mine.

p.s. Japan coach seems a right fucking cock as well.

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12/10/2019 4:09 am  #12

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

As I said on twitter, I canna stick that team. They were on the TV yesterday doing what the Japanese always do--going on about being the underdog and how much bigger the foreigners are physically. Pure pish. Half their team are Aussies, Samoans etc. They're also number 8 in the world compared to Scotland at 9. Plus they're at home. Dinna buy into the humble respectful pish.

It's not where you're from it's where you're at.

13/10/2019 2:47 am  #13

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Japan v Scotland is ON!!! 

Mon' Scotland ram the words of Jamie Joseph, Eddie Jones, Jonny Fordham and every other cunt who has turned their noses up at out nation in the past few days and willed our game to be off.

Time to do our talking on the pitch.

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13/10/2019 2:21 pm  #14

Re: Rugby World Cup 2019

Oh well!

Decent match and effort. But too little, too late.

Fairplay to Japan.

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