Shedtastic wrote:
I liked Eddie, he loved the club.
Aye he did. Pity he didnt know how to run one though.
Maybe a good grocer but he got led a merry dance in the murky waters of professional football.
It's his sons actions which have tainted the Thompson name, not Eddie's.
Last edited by Shedtastic (25/9/2019 12:38 am)
Shedtastic wrote:
It's his sons actions which have tainted the Thompson name, not Eddie's.
We'll agree to disagree then 👍
I’d like a clean break from the Thompson name.
UPDATEOur Tribute group are confident that we are now over £50,000 thanks to great support from the fans .Through support from local businesses, we should be able to work within a revised target of £62,000.Our accountant helps us keep track of major income, individual donations, actual amounts of gift aid received, and the small costs to Justgiving .We are overdue an update to give fans a precise figure but the good news is that as above, we are so much closer to our target.
Absolutely fantastic news that we are so close to the final target. Hopefully one final push can get us over the line and get the statue built pronto. God knows it’s deserved!
The Boy McNicoll wrote:
Absolutely fantastic news that we are so close to the final target. Hopefully one final push can get us over the line and get the statue built pronto. God knows it’s deserved!
Worth a quid donation even if you've already donated. If every fan who goes to at least 1 game a season donated the morn we'd be there. 💛
Seen a couple of people have been blocked from their Facebook page for just asking the actual amount theyve raised. Bizarre behaviour.
strange wi the bidding process tae, no visible bids on the framed taps min, need to send emails which is kinda shite and a potential waste oh time. Lack oh transparency wi these loons
strange bunch
Taking from Facebook....
I am pleased to say that following my posts regarding the Jim McLean Tribute Group at the weekend that the response from the Dundee United Community Trust was far more constructive than the administrators of the TG Facebook page who closed legitimate comments or questions from contributors down in an unacceptable act of censorship. David Dorward of DUCT made personal contact to explain and to re-assure that none of the funds donated towards the statue of Jim McLean are actually controlled by those involved in the Facebook page administration. All monies donated are held by the DUCT and overseen by an Accountant appointed by them.The Jim McLean TG are not supposed to make public announcements about the state of play as to the funds received without clearance with the DUCT but clearly, this has been ignored. This has then been exacerbated by their statement that they didn't know the reason why an exact figure could not be provided
David Dorward categorically assured me that the DUCT know exactly how much has been raised and pledged and that they will announce this figure in a Press Release following the report made by the Accountants to tonight's meeting of the group. Suffice to say that it is very close to being enough to commission the manufacture of the statue of the great man.Let's hope that we can have it in place to celebrate promotion back to where we belong next May.Openness and Transparency - it works so much better than censorship and conflict.
My thanks to David Dorward for reaching out.
Dundee United Community Trust - Jim McLean Statue Update: 2nd October 2019
The Jim McLean Tribute Group was established to arrange for a statue of Jim McLean to be erected at Tannadice. The Group was established in August 2018 and its membership is a combination of representatives of supporter’s groups and individual fans.
The planning and fundraising activities are co-ordinated by the Jim McLean Tribute Group, the actual funds raised are administered and banked by the Dundee United Community Trust (DUCT). DUCT is a registered charity and as part of the requirements of the charities regulator OSCR is that it has its annual accounts independently examined. DUCT would like to assure all contributors to the Jim McLean Statue Fund, that all the funds received and pledged to date are ring-fenced for this project.
During the last 18 months the work of the of the Tribute Group, under the chairmanship of George Haggarty has been extensive, and the follow is a summary of what has been achieved so far is reaching the objective of having a statue of Jim McLean erected at Tannadice.
1. Launch of the funding campaign in December 2018. This has seen a fantastic response from supporter groups, individual fans and corporate sponsors, such that as at the 27th September 2019, we have raised the total amount of £52,704.07. Please note that the figure quoted in the JustGiving page may show a slightly different figure from the £52,704.07, and this is due to timing differences on when DUCT receives the Gift Aid income.
2. Advertise for and appoint the Statue sculptor. We received 5 applications from sculptors who were interested in our commission. All were interviewed and after an extensive review we agreed to appoint Alan Herriot as the statue sculptor. Alan has built an international reputation and has created many public works of art throughout the UK.
3. The design of the statue was the next important step in this journey. The Tribute Group have had extensive liaison with Jim’s wife Doris and the rest of the McLean family in order to agree a statue design that they would be happy to endorse. Alan Herriot produced a large number of possible designs, before the family and the Tribute Group agreed on a final design. Alan Herriot then produced a maquette, a small model of the final statue. This was unveiled at the DUFC Open Day on Sunday 22nd September 2019, and was very well received by the fans who attended that event.
4. After having researched the cost of the statute and received the application and offer from Alan Herriot, the Tribute Group estimated that the total cost would be £70,000. The Tribute Group were approached by two local contractors Carmichael & Baxter Ltd and Norman Jamieson Ltd, who both offered to provide in kind support in preparing the groundworks for the statue and for transporting and lifting the statue in place respectively. This generous in-kind support had the effect of reducing the initial estimate of delivering the statue from £70,000 to £62,000.
5. Alan Herriot will now commence work on the final statue, and it is anticipated that it will be completed and unveiled at Tannadice in May 2020.
6. In terms of the financial situation, United supporters have already raised £52,704 of the total £62,000 required to fund the statue. There are funds of £47,704 currently sitting in the bank account of Dundee United Community Trust, and a £5,000 commitment from Club that will be received later this month. There are a number of events planned throughout the Autumn and a number of individual fans have been approached to make the final contributions.
Thanks for posting that extensive update, bowers. Very encouraging.
Went a bit quiet regards this.
Any update on when the statue to JYM will finally be unveiled?