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07/5/2024 9:28 am  #51

Re: Utd vs Partick - Friday 3rd May (7.45PM)

Jist noticed after watching the replay, that Whistles no,34 looks affside fir their goal.

He's ahaed oe oor players when its played, and he trehs to play the ba.

He also trehs to tackle the keeper.

Last edited by Billy_Hainey (07/5/2024 9:29 am)


07/5/2024 8:11 pm  #52

Re: Utd vs Partick - Friday 3rd May (7.45PM)

First change I've had to post since Friday - what a great night.   Display was brilliant (thanks once again to the display team, some effort), atmosphere was great and a great result and performance in the end.

Then a great few hours in Clarks afterwards.


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