RogerTheAlien wrote:
Single teen mothers.
Handed everything including a free house, hunners a quid a week In benefits, right to the top of every list purely cause they were too stupid In no using a condom.
If every teen female had insisted on condoms, life would never have been as much fun, leave them alone Rodge.
Tek wrote:
Bloody hell Rodge.
Bit harsh lad.
Very harsh. Demonisation of the poor.
huntedbyafreak wrote:
Tek wrote:
Bloody hell Rodge.
Bit harsh lad.Very harsh. Demonisation of the poor.
Where i wouldnt attack anyone individually for being a pregnant teenager. There is a reason the UK has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy and single mother households.
If you cant see that you're just not being objective enough.
People who ask if you want a bag with ur 80 items
Jordan_thearab wrote:
People who ask if you want a bag with ur 80 items
See post 60 Jordan.
Transfer deadline day. Shite rumours that are not funny, Jim White, reporters standing outside grounds with a crowd of teenagers behind him, Harry Redknapp in his car, Stephen Thompson selling our best players. Fucking shite. Even Natalie Sawyer can't rescue it I'm afraid. One of many things killing football.
lifesanocean wrote:
Transfer deadline day. Shite rumours that are not funny, Jim White, reporters standing outside grounds with a crowd of teenagers behind him, Harry Redknapp in his car, Stephen Thompson selling our best players. Fucking shite. Even Natalie Sawyer can't rescue it I'm afraid. One of many things killing football.
Cunts who don't have an indoor voice, especially in an office enviroment, noisy pricks.
Last edited by David_Blunket (06/2/2016 12:30 am)
Folk driving down slip roads at 40mph who are trying to join a motorway that is moving at 70mph.
Painting the outside of the house at the weekend, so I'm up the ladder painting away and I hear "you've missed a bit" is it mandatory to say that when you see somebody painting, I must have heard that and "when you're finished my place can do with a lick of paint" countless times over the weekend, so F'kn original
It'll be more anoying than usual this week given the hot weather but what really.annoys me is...... women's flip flop type shoes
If it's not the noise they make as the walk slap, slap, slap it's the insole of hard skin they seem to line them with.
When the thing that makes your deodorant skoosh fails when theres half a tin left.
That fucking Will Grigg song and how everyone is doing it now.
None of our players are on fire, which is a shame, we could do with a clearout.
Last edited by David_Blunket (17/5/2016 11:47 am)
Shop assistants who put your change on the counter and not into your hand.
Do I have AIDS stamped on my foreheed ffs?
Shop assistants that give you notes then coins on top. Fuck off.
multi wipers especially when you have white boxers on
The way they present European trophies. A total shambles. The captain goes up the steps, gets the trophy first, then it is passed down the line of players. How fucking hard is that???????
lifesanocean wrote:
The way they present European trophies. A total shambles. The captain goes up the steps, gets the trophy first, then it is passed down the line of players. How fucking hard is that???????
I'm a tradionalist in that respect too.
Modern fucking bollocks.
Every player ends up trying to get a grab off the trophy and it ends up looking messy as fuck.
Fuck off with it.
+ Partner or +1 on invitations to weddings/parties when you're supposed to accopany the other half.
Every single bloke knows that when there's a wedding or such coming up you're going to be sitting in a room full of folk you don't know, don't want to know or can't be arsed getting to know, paying £2 more per pint than you would in a pub.
Listening to a shitey disco or a piss poor band playing shite like The Maverics , Boyzone and Take That songs.
Often you've also had to buy new gear or hire gear to wear becuse you get an all day invite, then the fuckers have it on a Friday, because it's cheaper to do than Saturday, meaning you've also had to sacrifice a days leave.
Well if it's cost savings you're after stop inviting folk you don't fucking know!
Last edited by David_Blunket (26/5/2016 1:08 am)
Fowk no kennin the difference that it's [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]Athletic Bilbao[/color]
And that it's [color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.870588)]Atlético Madrid [/color]
Last edited by Foo Kin Twat (27/5/2016 1:37 pm)
Another thing that bothers me is when you canna edit a post that has computer speak in it!!!
BTW having previously had a yella caird on this threed, I am just pulling the 4 of your's chains!!!
People saying "The word legend/hero/icon (delete where appropriate) gets bandied about a lot nowadays, but...." when trying to describe someone they obviously admire.
I just have an irrational disdain for that quote, like they are trying to be too cool for school. Everyone has differing opinions and ideas of what/who is a legend/hero/icon, I couldn't give a toss if it's bandied about, it is what it is and just someone's opinion.
Just say how you feel!
When folk type "should/could of" instead of "should/could have"
Last edited by Goodie Conway 2 (30/6/2016 8:15 am)
While I'm on my grammar high horse.
The overuse of apostrophes. If in doubt, leave it out! You're more likely to be right...