Tekel Towers - DUFC Fans Forum

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27/9/2014 2:06 pm  #1

Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

4 numbers fae 1 tae 60 please some cunt.


27/9/2014 2:41 pm  #2

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

2, 13, 22, and 45 you cuuuuuuunnt!


27/9/2014 3:24 pm  #3

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Thanks Sieb you cunt.

the 1st match of The Ultimate Cunt Cup saw KENNY CLARK prevail as the top cunt.His 6 votes will see him progress through to Round 2 seeded.Joining him in Round 2 (albeit unseeded) will be H.R.H. herself ELIZABETH WINDSOR,who finished in 2nd place.Eliminated fae the tournament are Luis Suarez and Lib Dem lying bastard Nick Clegg.

Round 1/Game 2 -

Ian Durrant -


Piers Morgan


George W Bush -


Jeremy Kyle -

VOTING CLOSES TOMORROW (Sunday 28th September) AT 4PM
Cunts through Round 1 -

1.Kenny Clark (S)
2.The Queen

Cunts Eliminated in Round 1 -

1.Nick Clegg
2.Luis Suarez

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27/9/2014 4:26 pm  #4

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

George W Cunt.


27/9/2014 4:36 pm  #5

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

George Dubya.

Grade A cuntage.

     Thread Starter

27/9/2014 4:48 pm  #6

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Bobby Madden failing that, I vote for that fanny Bush who is a very large cunt


27/9/2014 4:59 pm  #7

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Tough one, too many out and out cunts.

George Bush. Fackin caaant!


27/9/2014 6:01 pm  #8

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Close call between between the cry ive got no cartilage after his buckled stance against my country,  Jeremy Kyle comes a close runner up though, horrible cunt who forgets his habits when it suits 

Hear their shout, hear their roar
They've probably had a barrel of ale and much, much more
Hooray, hooray, hooray, yeah
Over the hill went the swords of a thousand men

27/9/2014 6:03 pm  #9

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

St Obswell wrote:

Close call between between the cry ive got no cartilage after his buckled stance against my country, Jeremy Kyle comes a close runner up though, horrible cunt who forgets his habits when it suits

Just tae clarify Saint Obby.Is that a vote for Monobrow Durrant ?

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27/9/2014 6:24 pm  #10

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

It is indeed sir, i don't believe he's as bitter as he looks but hell mend the hun

Hear their shout, hear their roar
They've probably had a barrel of ale and much, much more
Hooray, hooray, hooray, yeah
Over the hill went the swords of a thousand men

27/9/2014 6:28 pm  #11

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Cunt W Bush.

Too much commotion

27/9/2014 10:38 pm  #12

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Score Update -
George W Bush - 5
Ian Durrant - 1
Jeremy Kyle - 0
Piers Morgan - 0

     Thread Starter

27/9/2014 11:41 pm  #13

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

George bush.


28/9/2014 6:55 am  #14

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -



28/9/2014 7:16 am  #15

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

bush is just a mongol tbh....told what to do

Durrant a 'heh cheeker'

i'll go for peirs morgan...odious cunt...bet brett lee loved this



28/9/2014 10:21 am  #16

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Ian Durrant

Yeah yeah Industrial Estate

28/9/2014 3:12 pm  #17

Re: Tekel Towers - The Ultimate Cunt Round 1/Game 2 -

Full Time -
George W Bush - 7
Ian Durrant - 2
Piers Morgan - 1
Jeremy Kyle - 0

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